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LG to make 4K UHD projection more portable in 2018

Even though 8K is expected to be talked up quite heavily this year, the 4K UHD world will still be big. And so will projectors, but LG has plans to make 4K smaller and more portable.

CES is just about to begin, and again, LG is talking up more products before everyone else gets their gear out in the world, and that includes devices for you to watch movies on like a TV. While we expect TVs to make a big impact at the show and in 2018, a television isn’t the only way you can tune into the media world, with projectors able to make a sizeable impact as well.

Theatres and cinemas have long provided a way for people to get their big screen experience, too, but as the technology improves and the quality begins to come home, that’s beginning to change.

Projectors have long provided that way forward, delivering a bigger picture for your home entertainment pleasure, but while they cater to small homes with the promise of a bigger picture, they tend to need the space themselves.

We’re talking the space to put the projector, the distance between the projector and the wall or screen in order to make a bigger picture (the throw), and so on.

LG has been dabbling with the technology for quite some time, and this year may have something that satisfies both of those issues, with the HU80K, a 4K Ultra HD projector that fits all the electronics into something more like that of a tall bucket, relying on a 2500 lumens systems to produce a 150 inch screen at a relatively short distance.

The projector is actually designed for portability, complete with a handle to help you move the projector, as well as an auto wind-up cord feature, and a mirror reflector that will protect the projector from dust when it’s not being used.

“At this year’s CES event, we are excited to bring value to consumers with our first 4K UHD projector, which delivers the highest resolution we’ve ever offered in a compact size,” said LG’s Chang Ik-hwan.

“LG’s 4K UHD projector will lead the way in changing how consumers view 4K content in any room in the home, wherever there’s an audience.”

As for release, like all CES things, you’ll find no confirmed timeframe for when this will hit Australia, or even if it will, but the moment it’s set to, you can be sure we’ll tell you right here.

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