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Ecovacs gets vacuuming, hot water mopping with T20 Omni

A vac that cleans your floor of stubborn stains? It’s actually possible, leaving the hard work for a machine.

We’ve always been told that when you need to deal with a stubborn stain, it’s all about putting some elbow grease into it.

Grab the mop or a cleaning cloth, cover it hot soapy water, put some effort in, and clean that stain from the floor. That’s how things are normally done, but they don’t have to stay that way.

Technology changes everything, and if you’re not a fan of cleaning the floor by hand, Ecovacs could have a solution.

While Dyson recently joined the world of converged vac-mop gadgets, that’s an area Ecovacs has been in for a while already. Its latest play, however, is to put some heat behind its mopping capability, offering hot water mopping inside of a robot vacuum cleaner.

The new model to sport this technology is the Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, and while it’s similar in design to other robotic vacuum models from the company, clearly it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Inside there’s a combination of technology to deliver plenty of suction alongside a 55 degree hot water mopping system to cover removal of up to 99.9 percent of stains. That temperature level is reportedly there to deal with cleaning sticky surfaces and stains, including oil and dirt, as well, while using hot air drying to prevent bacterial build-up.

The robotic vac also features a sensor to pick up on the difference between soft and hard floors, lifting the mopping pads when soft is detected so it doesn’t wet the wrong floor type.

When mopping isn’t the thing to do, the Deebot T20 Omni will also clean using its suction, depositing any debris in the home station it charges in. Like previous Ecovacs models, this is a taller base station, but it’s one that will house everything that’s been cleaned, asking you to empty it when the whole thing is clean.

In short, the system is basically geared at doing as much of the cleaning as it can for you, using features such as 3D imaging to map your room and work out where to go, voice control using an AI counterpart, and sensors for avoiding objects similar to what’s used in phones and tablets.

“As the global leaders in home service robotics, we pride ourselves on constantly raising the bar with each product launch,” said Karen Powell, Regional Director for Ecovacs in Australia.

“With our new Deebot T20 Omni, we have added new functionality with Hot-Water Mop Washing and Auto-Lifting of Mop Pads, and increased our suction such that it sits alongside our industry-leading Omni station, YIKO AI Voice Assistant, battery runtime, mopping system and object avoidance technology to deliver a product at under $1800 that we believe is like no one else in the market,” she said.

That massive feature set won’t necessarily be inexpensive, however, with Ecovacs offering the combination of technology for $1799 in Australia. Certainly not the least expensive Ecovacs model in the market, the T20 Omni fits more in the high-end, and arrives with a battery built to last, too, supporting as much as four hours of use before needing a charge.

Ecovacs says its T20 Omni is available now at both retailers and online outlets across the country.

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